Is anybody married on this site?

Is anybody married on this site?

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Maybe some day. But for now Iā€™m just happy having a significant other


Iā€™m not married. Iā€™m asexual, so sometimes I like people but I donā€™t long for sex and so most relationships are not possible cause most people do expect some sex at some point.
Also I prefer to be by myselfā€¦


Iā€™m happily married.


Iā€™m divorced.
Have been married for 7 years.

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I had a gf for 5 years. Now I am married to porn lol


Iā€™ve misread the topicā€¦ Is anybody married to this sitešŸ˜‚ā€¦ Yes Iā€™m married to this site.

Im divorced for 15 years now.


Iā€™m married. My wife just had a birthday. It was good.

Been married for twenty years.


Married 20 years on the 14th!

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Iā€™m marriedā€¦to my right hand.

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Married for eight years but getting divorce

Married ten years last March.

Iā€™ve never been married and probably never will be.


An older customer where I worked once in retail said to me as we spoke,

ā€œHalf of the people get married, and the other half are more interestingā€.

Iā€™m just saying that was 11 years ago and I remember it ā€¦ most likely because he was trying to make me feel good, yet simultaneously ā€œsizing me upā€ as a perennial single person. Whereby he was right in that regard. :slight_smile:

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Iā€™m not married. But I have been engaged almost 3 years. I have no clue when we will get married. Weddings are expensive. But I know we will always be together.

Iā€™m not married. My longtime partner and me live together now though and we are very happy.

Thank you for replyingā€¦

Haha your name though

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Married thirteen years. Itā€™s been good.

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