Iron still way too low

Just had Labs Drawn the other day for my Iron and its up a bit but still extremely low so I will probably most likely have to have an Iron Infusion my Dr said that CareSource may or may not pay for it until I have tried Iron Pills first which I have been taking since March 26th.I don’t feel as if the Iron pills are helping me still tired and drained every day have no energy to do anything all I want to do is sleep mostly I sleep anywhere from 12 to 14 hours on occasion 15 hours a night still get up tired and want to lie on the couch I made myself or pushed myself to go to the gym maybe twice this week when I was going 3 to 5 days a week. I just don’t have it in me to do much of anything right now and no I am not depressed or anything I know it has to be my Iron dragging me down and sleep apnea I have will make me extremely tired and I am on CPAP have been since 2018 but had severe sleep apnea before then.


You could also eat iron rich foods to supplement some. It’s probably not enough to get you over the hump if you’re real low


Take vitamin C at the same time as your iron tablet. It will help with absorption.


Now that may help Im willing to try anything to get my Iron in the Normal Range and to avoid having an Iron Infusion thanks for the advice


Caffeine can inhibit iron in your system.


Try eating red meat a couple of times a week. Also liver is a good natural source.

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How much of the vitamin c should I take? Considering Vitamin C gummies to help with absorption along with my Iron tablet. And we shall see if it helps and works for me, I don’t know but willing to try it willing to try anything to avoid having to get infusions.

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I do eat meat three times a week at least or more

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been taking in too much caffeine so I might should limit it to drinking one can of diet soda a day rest of the day water thanks for the tip

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Good. Should preferably be beef steak though. Processed meats are not so rich in iron.

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I saw a chart on Vitamin C absorption once, it showed a dose over 1,000 mg has little value and just gets passed through and out the body.

So at least 500 mg, and at most 1,000 mg is what I do.

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I get low iron too.

I was vegan for six years anc was always low on iron despite supplements.

Then I was vegetarian.

I ate a little meat recently to get my iron up but it’s kinda against my morals.

I Want to be vegan really.
Hopefully I will go vegan again .

If I go vegan again I may need a professional to help me get enough iron .

Do you eat meat?

Yes, I eat meat at least three times a week or more

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Just took your advice and went out and bought some Vita fusion Vitamin C 500mg Gummies extra strength and took four of them per the directions on the bottle with my Iron tablet and other pills I take in the morning so I am hopeful that it will help me absorption of my Iron Pill worth a try and if it does help with my Iron I will continue to take them I will give it a trial period say a month or two that’s when I go back to see my Hematologist to get checked with Labs again around the last part of August

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Best wishes to you! I hope it works out, but if nothing else, vitamin C will help keep you healthy.

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thank you @anon14580204

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I was just reading pea protein powder is a good way to increase iron levels for those with deficiency.

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Maybe lentils.

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been taking the Vitamin C for maybe almost a week now may have to stop it because it’s making me more manic than I already have been getting up way to early and running errands sometimes at 8 in the morning. Looks like I absolutely can’t do any vitamins at all including multivitamins and Vitamin B Complex it also made me manic as well I tried it didn’t work out, I will stop taking them immediately starting tomorrow, Morning, I already took them this Morning. I must be sensitive to all vitamins my dad is the same way he can’t event take Slim fast shakes he is climbing the walls then with mania.

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