Deprived of getting enough Oxygen

Having the problem again not getting enough Oxygen to my brain and Blood while I sleep and sometimes when Im awake I struggle to get a really good deep breathe I have Severe Obstructive Sleep Apnea wear use a Cpap machine every night took it off like an hour ago because I am having trouble breathing and getting a good deep breath scary stuff I had episodes before where this lasted 6 weeks almost three months had to go to the er which didnt help they didnt find anything wrong and sent me home went to a Lung dr he said I had severe congestion and a Viral infection of some kind hope thats not coming back.If so may have to let my sleep dr know cpap isnt helping he raised the air pressure on my machine I dont know what else to do except go on oxygen at night in addition to my cpap


I hope you get it sorted.

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Really sorry to hear that :confused: sounds like you’re really struggling right now. I hope you can get the help you need

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yes, I am struggling just a bit just started a few nights ago when I couldn’t wear my CPAP mask at night couldn’t catch my breath with it on, so I took it off last night was able to wear it the night before actually hadn’t been two nights just one night. Got so much going on right now with me with my Iron being so low having to have three infusions on three different days and times coming up my doctor’s office called this morning or afternoon to set those infusions up for me after my doctor looked at my labs and my Iron is still almost nothing. I think my Iron was 28 supposed to be in the 50 range and up and Iron Saturation was 7 supposed to be 15 and up so I’m way too low according to that scale. It’s a bit overwhelming having so many appointments to go to plus I go in July for an ultrasound of my abdomen for my anemia to see where I am bleeding from if anywhere hope it turns out ok. Also, my Mental health appt it’s not till Sept I have probably over a half dozen appointments. I have to go to and remember it’s just too much for me. And others I didn’t mention like heart and few others I have to go to. Getting older sucks, I remember a Time I only had two pills to take now I have six eight if I include my Iron pills and Vitamin C gummies.


Damn hope you feel better :confused: jw do you eat meat? It’s a lot easier to get iron from meat

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Yes I eat all kinds of meat usually Steak Hamburger or Chicken Mostly

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And thanks I hope I feel better soon too and to top it off Im getting to be a Little Manic just what I need on top of everything else

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Do you have a mouthpiece? Sometimes docs prescribe a mouthpiece to use with the CPAP.

I myself could never get used to the CPAP. I’m going to sell mine. It felt as if I was suffocating with it on.

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No I dont have a mouthpiece considered it but dont think I could use it because I have always been a mouth breather and have severe sinus problems and congestion most times

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You need to get that fixed asap. I myself have problems with a congested nose but i have a cortisone spray which I use. You should call your doc about it.

The mouth piece should have an opening so you can breathe through your mouth.

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Thanks I will look into the mouthpiece and also ask about the cortisone Spray have my Cpap mask on right now so wish me luck I can do my Cpap as well for the time being

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I wish you well @psychward101
Yeah continue seeing these doctors and hopefully you’ll start feeling better soon

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Thanks Wave I hope I feel better soon if its not one thing its something else to worry about smh

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What’s CPAP? Is it a mask or something?

Edit, I just saw a previous post, it’s a mask I take it

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Its a Cpap used to treat osa or Obstructive sleep apnea which I have a severe case of my lung dr said I was the worst case He ever seen in his entire career and he deals also with Sleep apnea patients he also said its crucial I use my Cpap machine for life which I already knew and I already do when I can but right now I cant

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Best wishes to you, stay positive

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Thank you and best wishes to you as well and everyone else who deals with the same issues Im having or similar dont give up and do your best despite the circumstances

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