I updated my iPhone to IOS 13.1.2 and now this forum is acting strange.
I’m having technical issues when I type or press onto a thread.
Don’t know what to do?
Anyone else using an iPhone have this issue?
I updated my iPhone to IOS 13.1.2 and now this forum is acting strange.
I’m having technical issues when I type or press onto a thread.
Don’t know what to do?
Anyone else using an iPhone have this issue?
Boo, get an Android.
Which iPhone do you have @Wave ? Can it handle the new update?
Get an android
Are you using the app or just the mobile browser? I use chrome on my iPhone, and I haven’t had problems.
I’m using Safari.
I have the iPhone 7, I know it’s the older iPhone but I think it can support the update.
I’m convinced that the people who write the forum software only test it on chrome.
I have a 6s and updated to the same iOS. I have no problems
Maybe delete all your cookies and re login?
I don’t know how to delete all my cookies @anon94176359
Maybe I’ll get an Android or update to a newer phone.
I agree with @everhopeful. Safari, Firefox, and (heaven forbid) Edge all tend to get buggy on the forum.
I have an iPhone 7 and my Safari is working fine. I haven’t had any recent updates though.
Can you screenshot an example of one such issue?
Wave to delete cookies on iOS
Ohhhh, I tried!
I can’t think straight right now!
I’ll deal with it later…
Thanks guys!
I think that the issue has cleared up on its own.
So far so good.
No sometimes it acts up.
What exactly is happening? We can report a possible bug if we have enough information.
When I press on a thread title and I go into the thread, the title remains on the screen for a while.
It’s weird.
It is designed to go away when you scroll down. Is this what you’re noticing?
Whenever I press onto a thread title, it doesn’t go away until I press onto the background.
It’s hard to explain.