Pages sometimes slow to load

Seem to hang for ages. Needs sorting before the big switch over.


I agree. And sometimes the notifications button hangs and won’t show notifications. Please fix!

Just got a 502 bad gateway after page hung for ages. Agree about the notification button. When much more people come over in a couple of weeks how will the software cope?

i was just going to say, yes, its taking ages to load :frowning:

Same issue here. I’ve been trying to access the forum via Safari on iPhone.
All of time, it loads achingly slow, and most of the time I get a ‘bad gateway’ notice.
It’s painfully slow, accessing from laptop isn’t much better.

same. i got many 502s also. sucks.

the saving hangs too

Slow for me too. No gateway messages yet on my laptop though.

Me too. Sometimes I can’t upload the message.

I use both iPhone and laptop

I have been timing it to see how long it hangs. Anywhere from 10-45 seconds sometimes longer.

Thanks everyone for the feedback - we’re on it! Hopefully the issues will be fixed soon.

im new here and i also notice the slowness of the forum and sometimes it does not load at all

I believe it’s a known issue that the admins are working hard to fix.
I completely agree with you, the last few hours have been especially difficult to access the forum. Pages are
taking forever to load, and sometimes don’t load at all.