January 22, 2015, 10:53pm
Hi Saurav,
Many people in our forums here are working full time - and most of them find that medications (as low a dose as possible, that still keeps their positive symptoms / delusions, etc. in check) are helpful in that quest.
We hope you’ll try some - and keep your job.
i have applyed for work, im mentally sharp and fit for work, i am trained as a plasterer in construction for years, but i’m willing to try different work so hopefully after xmas i will be employed, do you work and what type of work do u do?
But please read this:
Never having worked this issue has never occurred with me, but I wonder what the experience of those that have been employed has been.
a call center in my local area is hiring. It pays well. I’m not the greatest with voices all around me and it’s not like my dream job at all.
i’m not going to apply just yet. But i’m sure they are always are hiring. I’m thinking maybe closer to summer but we will see. my doctor doesn’t want me too. Honestly i don’t think he would advise anyone with schizoprenia to go off disability. he said he’s seen very few success cases. I don’t think it’s me in particular.
Any thoughts on this? i’ve been hallucination free for 4 years and 3 months now. this would be added stress though. but even if i could do it for 4 years that would be money in the bank i could save. i just want to get …
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