I decided to write this blog every time i’m having intrusive thoughts and have a fear going through another panic attack. This morning went to get my blood drawn then went to the gym. I was mostly calm during the day. Then around afternoon i became effected by having thoughts and visions i did not want to have. During all this i went out with my mom looking for some furniture. Glad for now it has not escalated. If anyone out there goes through intrusive thoughts and visions like to hear from you.
I have had intrusive thoughts
I don’t really know how you mean by intrusive. I get hit by the negative stuff pretty bad. It debilitating. I believe in my heart there is an explanation for all of this that exists in a higher realm. I can give all the theorys in the world but I don’t what truth is yet. I have what I think it is. But I don’t know what exactly.
i get what could be termed visions all the time. some brilliant, some horrific, some mundane, some a little bad. i don’t actually pay them any heed to be honest. if any of them come true then fine but those ones seem to be about 1% of the time…most of it is just trash or day time dreams or nightmares, i guess you could call them. so mostly rubbish i guess. try not to pay them any heed hunni. i don’t. if they come true they come true but until then just live your life. that’s what i do anyway