The last day or 2 I’ve been getting a barrage of mental images . Like hundreds and hundreds of images when I’m trying to go to sleep then the voices come in and say “it’s time to go. There’s something we need you to see” Then more barrage of images like rapid fire.
It’s really exhausting. It will pass though I’m sure.
It will pass. I use to get violent ones really bad many years ago then a blessed doctor changed my life but affirming me and medicating me. Hang in there.
Sounds distressing dude. Voices are weird. They most always fit the context of whatever is going on. I feel like I haven’t used my imagination in like a year. I think the meds have helped with that. There was some odd ■■■■ going on in there. Aliens, gods, space zoo’s human exhibit. Gods playground for humans.
Yeah I don’t miss it. I’m sure it’ll pass dude. Perhaps if it doesn’t you might try laying off the sarcosine.
I remember I used to have a very visual mind. All kinds of images(before the sz err maybe it was an indicator).
I’d get high and close my eyes and just rattle on about what I saw.
It was always under control though. I’d open my eyes and it’d be gone.
Anyways man that’s enough out of me. Sorry you’re dealing with that.
Yeah i was thinking maybe the sarcosine is making my mind overactive. So I’ll take 1 gram instead of 2 for the next bit.
Yeah the voices love to just blend to whatever is happening at the time. They are sneaky
Yeah I’m starting to realize I need to treat the messages as voices even though they aren’t auditory. They’re more like thoughts and they are more intelligent than my voices ever were but I’m start to really get a grasp on how it’s just me and my expectations of what a telepath might say at any instance.
That’s where I’m currently at. It’s very sneaky says exactly what it would say to confirm it was real. Like I know beforehand what I’d need to tell myself. It doesn’t feel alive, but it definitely feels smart. It’s pretty strange.
That’s good to hear. Your learning to understand it’s just you.
I get a similar feeling that would go under the feeling of telepathic. Not through people but from what I would think of as “the universe”
Ideas will pop into my head that I will think there’s no way in heck I’m smart enough to know something like that. Musical jingles also come to me in the same way.
Then the voices would try to confirm it or slowly convince me it was either aliens,god,deceased geniuses,the unconcious world,the universe etc… anything that I would even slightly believe they would take that angle
I personally just think it’s screwed up brain pathways disorganising our thinking patterns
Yeah it always changes too. What it is. It is what you make it. Getting set in a belief about only validates it further.
Whoa spaced out right there…
Uhh was gonna say
Right it does seem odd though that it has a sort of desire to live. The sz would go away on its own. That part of the brain is doing what it thinks it should be doing. Like it’s helping. Can’t even see what’s really going on to the whole entity of the self. Really sucks. Voices are like that too. You really just gotta learn to ignore it. Takes a while of playing around to get to the point that you lose interest.
Dude most of the people on here deserve to have totally normal life’s. This illness is bs.
Yeah this illness is definitely a crock
I have this too when I try to sleep, fortunately no more voices feeding into it thanks to medication doing its job. Just like you say, a very rapid slideshow of pictures, typically only faces for me. When psychotic they would be horrifying pictures of some sort of jesus figure, tortured and all. At the time they scared me up to the point I was afraid to sleep, which of course isn’t going to do much good for any of the other symptoms and your overall well being. Fortunately, nowadays they are more benign, usually cute girls with an occasional ‘scary’ one. But I don’t get impressed by the scary ones anymore. It has helped me to try and visualize something innocent or nice which put the rapid slideshow on a hold. I could also try to focus on any of the images that just popped up and it would hold, which made it less scarier then when it would only flash in a succession. Maybe something to try out. For me it eased the distress but the downfall is that it takes deliberate effort, which keeps you up. If its really distressing it might be a good exercise for I think anything that gives you a sense of authority over the weird phenomena we are experiencing is a healthy exercise. We seem so happy to hand out autonomy to these phenomena like it costs us nothing while most of the time, it costs us a lot of peace of mind. Hope it doesn’t keep you from sleeping too much.
I have a very hard time when the universe decides to pour through my head. I always wonder… how do I know that… there’s no way.
I hate sneaky brained thinking… is starts to small… and just keeps pushing. Making small insignificant things deeply and indescribably important.
I hate it when my brain sets up the image as a vital clue… to… something that has yet to be reviled. It makes it even harder to concentrate or sleep.
Good luck, I know you’ll work to make this go away. My has been getting worst when I’m feeling over energetic.
I hope you feel better soon @anon31257746 - I get intrusive images from time to time, they are awful.
Maybe lowering the Sarcosine should help - good luck!
I’ve gotten these for like 15 yrs. It’s usually images of dead corpses, but really zoomed in… so it’s like theres a piece of rotting flesh, dried crumpled skin, etc. right in front of my eyes when I try to sleep. If I’m stressed I sometimes also hear my own thoughts “talking”, but I’m not the one controlling them. Maybe your mind is feeling stressed right now. Do you know any relaxation techniques that work for you?
I try to do mindfulness. Just being still