Intensely paranoid

Last night I woke up in the middle of the night extremely paranoid. It was so awful. I was terrified of everything. Luckily I’m better now. Hopefully it doesn’t happen again


I’m sorry you experienced that :hugs:

I’ve had that occasionally too.

It’s so weird and out of the blue


Yeah. It came out of nowhere and was very scary. My heart was racing super fast and everything


sorry to hear that @LilyoftheValley
i hope it doesn’t happen too often anymore …


Thanks @lekkerhondje. I almost started checking all the doors and windows and everything. I forced myself to stay in bed, but I was really freaking out

That sounds like a horrible experience. I also experience random attacks of unbearable paranoia so I can only imagine how scary that was. Do you have any coping skills to try to distract yourself from the paranoia when it happens?

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I’ve tried watching tv etc but it doesn’t always help. I’ve also tried talking through it with my mom and husband which does help a bit, but I didn’t want to wake anyone up

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Have you tried any grounding exercises? My favorite one is putting something cold on my upper arms and inner thighs. It doesn’t help everyone but maybe it’s something to try?

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Ok. I’ll try it next time. Thanks!

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Of course! It’s always nice to have a good repertoire of coping skills!

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Sounds awful @LilyoftheValley. Glad you feel better now.

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