Intelligence before sz

I think I was slightly above average intelligence before sz. Felt pretty much below average for years after sz. Now I feel pretty average. How about you?

I can relate to your post. Since the illness I’ve progressively felt dumber and slower. I’ve learned to accept it.


Many of my cognitive functions seem to have somewhat recovered since my break. I still think that my memory is worse than it was though.


Ive been struggling and frustrated with myself lately for the same reason. Pdoc says its normal to feel a bit “slower” after episodes as they are causing damage to the brain and need time to heal. My issue is the episodes are so frequent i never get thru the “healing time” and start to feel normal brain power before another episode starts. Was high IQ before my major psychotic breaks and now dont feel like myself much of the time without my wit and intelligence to lean on. I pride myself on my intellect and feeling like im loosing it is quite troubling. I have extreme difficulties with verbal comprehension lately as well as difficulty retaining info when reading. I feel as if im loosing myself at times and it frustrates me to no end.


I just took a free IQ test online and got a 146, high enough to join Mensa


My IQ has definitely dropped. I think it was around 134 before and now it is like 115 or something. I am slower on the uptake and my retention is not anywhere near as good. I think it is halfway due to meds and halfway due to the illness. I was much, much sharper when I was younger and before I was sick. No question.


I did standard government tests, they said I had a above average IQ, for someone with my level of education, age etc. They said had I gone to school I would have probably done well. I only have my Grade 7


@anon30865512, just took it and had to pay? Got a 129… :triumph:

before sz, I got an A+ in Linear Algebra.

now I’m trying to learn about myself.

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Before sz, I am quite gifted. After sz, i feel dumb and have difficulty with understanding anything a bit complicated. I often feel slow. It’s so difficult with logical deductions. I am getting a bit better now. I feel that I can think again.


Some of the things I’m writing now

I never could have done in my twenties

I don’t think it really matters
What I’ve put my head thru

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The reason I don’t do well on IQ tests

They score it based on how fast you go

And I’m one speed

Unless I’m out running

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I can relate to that. When I took an IQ test a few years ago I got good or average scores on everything except speed I think. On speed my score was terrible.


I had a much higher intellect level before sz most definitely , now I feel dumb as a rock.


I used to be a genius like you, then I took an arrow in the gene