Insomnia during psychosis

Do you guys get bad insomnia when psychotic? For me every time I go off my meds and become psychotic sleep goes out the window

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Yes, I have difficulties sleeping when unmedicated.

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I think its the fear from the paranoia causing the insomnia.

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I just straight up cant sleep but I’m not going to get off my meds again I’m waiting for Karxt how long do you think phase 3 trials will take?

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Maybe 2 years if there is no problems.

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Its currently in phase 2 for negative symptoms.

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I felt like a super hero when I was psychotic, I would go days no sleep unlimited energy, when I would sleep it would be for an hour or 2 and I would wake up with uncontrollable amounts of energy, I would just wander all around for hours on end, day or night.

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Yep. Unmedicated me will go days without sleeping and not in a manic way

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When I am psychotic I barely sleep at all @anon80490300.

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Yeah sleep sucks when I’m messed up.

Sleep has always hated me but yes more so during a break.
I don’t sleep and can hardly sit down I pace the house and when I do make myself sit my legs move & bounce a lot. I hate it

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