Inner voices vs. external auditory hallucinations

I have both, and I just wanted to see how many other people on here experience inner voices? Sometimes there is a voice of child, sometimes a woman, and sometimes a father. Or, I may experience other peoples voices in my head.


I have both internal and external.

Internal is like a voice in my head that is commenting on the show I’m watching or commenting on people around me.

External is more “realistic”, cause it sounds like someone is talking in my ear.


Internal and external her external very hard to deal with internal ones are about who are bad to

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I have had a inner voice for 25 years coming from a angry, little man with a panamahat. He hates me. It was worst when i was on Zyprexa. After i changed to Vraylar he has only visited me twice.


I have only internal voices these days, voices in my head. A year ago I was in the hospital and had external voices. I got better when I got out. My voices in my head aren’t in my own voice.


Mine neither. I have only once experienced external voices, strange, but in my case they don’t seem as scary as the inner voices .

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Mine aren’t my own either… not sure why and how that can be or what the explanation should be.

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Everyone gets internal voices. It’s the everyday “chatter” that goes on in your thoughts.

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I don’t think everyone has distinct voices though, as in they have a different presence/sound. My mind was not always like this.

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These voices don’t seem like me, they have different accents or, rather, cadences.

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I also have both but I really dont know what to do because nobody knows not even my family


I haven’t talked much about it to my family.

Although, I think they’ve all had psychotic experiences but they don’t talk about it.

welcome to the forum @Madison_Bayles

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I have external voices and sometimes it feels like something external has been projected into my head. More external though. Funny thing is that I can tell them apart from real sounds now because I’m hearing impaired these days. If I can hear it easily then it’s probably not real. LOL.


I have both internal and external.
Internal are more.
But not everyday. Maybe a week without them or more


I have internal voices 24/7. There’s four, two male, two female, and a lot of others which come and go.

External voices aren’t constant, I usually hear them when I wake up and when I go to bed, and randomly throughout the day.

I also hear the thoughts of passersby internally too, but I don’t consider these as the same as internal voices at all.


i have both internal and external

the internal are much more harsh being command voice and fight constantly

i even hear a dog but he comes and go he is the hardest to distichiasis cause i have make sure its not a real dog

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Welcome @Madison_Bayles !

I only get external voices, and with the med mix I’m on now I’m getting them less. I do talk to myself a lot though.


I get internal voices - a male evil spirit and a female good spirit.

On a rare occasion I hear external sounds or mumbling voices