Can someone shed some light on this? I’ve seen several posts about internal versus external voices and am trying to figure out the difference. I often have internal “thoughts” that are more like words given to me or put inside my head from some external source…Though I’ve also heard two sources talking to each other. This is a pretty confusing time for me right now, I see my first psychiatrist dec 28th. Just trying to make sense of all this input in my head.
@Sarad made a thread about voices and we talked about this, I can’t find it now.
Basically, external voices are heard as if they come from the outside and internal voices are more like what you described. I have internal ones just like that, before medication they would discuss between themselves also.
Thanks Minnii, that helps to clarify things a bit. I’ve only heard some external whispering and some mumbling and my name called a couple of times…sounds like all my “friends” are inside ones. Lucky me:-)
Yeah, I think external ones suck more because it’s easier to think they’re real. But they both suck… I believed in telepathy, so I thought I was hearing peoples thoughts and that everyone was a telepath, luckily you’re not experiencing that.
Can I ask you, are they people you know or random voices?
Random voices. They’re neither male nor female as far as I can tell.
And what kind of things do they say? Mine on a bad day call me names, on a good day say nonesense. Today it was something about a golfcourse…
I have my “warning” voice, it tells me to “run” or “go” shortly after I have a premonition about something bad happening to me. I don’t believe I’ve ever had any positive messages from my voices, it’s mostly derogatory comments, sometimes quite a bit of statement repeating…It doesn’t happen constantly and I’m able to listen to music in my headphones every day so that seems to help.
I have sometimes yelled at them to get out of my head when I’ve reached my limit.
I also have an internal noise, I told my therapist it feels like termites are chewing on my brain.
Oh, I’m sorry. Command hallucinations are the worse!! Do you follow what they say?
You have an appointment schedulled for evaluation right?
I listen to the warning voice. Given my delusions and hallucinations with demons I always assumed it was an angel.
Yes, I have my evaluation Dev 28th. My therapist has made herself available several days a week over the next couple of weeks, she has been instrumental in helping me come to understand what’s been happening to me.
Funny how I always just thought it was normal to think and feel this way, to have thoughts and words circling through your brain, to get stuck and staring straight ahead, not able to break the cycle and continue on with logical, rational thought.
I wonder what it’s like to be normal.
I had the delusion I was god… Still have it a bit, but more thought-habit than believing in it. I had a lot of angels and demons experiences. So I can relate…
I don’t know, normals have issues too. At least we’re not dull
Good point. I told my wife about a brief episode from this morning, I had started the wood stove and began to “hear” the wood speaking to me in a secret code. I just opened the stove door and stared at the fire, trying to decipher it. If all my delusions/hallucinations were that benign I might go into standup;-)
Wow, it feels a bit weird to be cracking a joke, I haven’t felt right for months.
Can definitely relate to that. I once had a dream that Jesus appeared to me, pointed at me and appointed me a messenger. I couldn’t speak the next morning. But then I’ve thought I was the anti-Christ. These delusions have got to get their bearings straight;-)
Yeah, about jokes. I used to talk to my lamps because I thought they were bugged and I needed to make the secret services take my side for the revolution. lol I talked to myself, which is kind of sad, but a woman approached me on the street with a panflet saying jesus christ saved her and that he could save me too, I yelled at her “I didn’t save you! You saved yourself!”
As god I created three kinds of hell because of the premiss that so many people would go there that it would become fun, so I had to make sure they suffered for their actions. And started nominating officials. Also I was a terrible god, I heard peoples prayers and dismissed them all, didn’t have time for it. I wanted to talk to aliens and come up with the perfect world revolution against the illuminatti that had used my name in their behalf.
I still have to deal with a bit of habit from believing in this stuff for so long, but it’s mostly over.
These symptoms suck big time, but we can laugh a bit sometimes. It’s good to maintain a sense of humour.
I’m sure once you get a treatment started you’ll feel better.
Thanks Minnii, you made my night:-)