Inbred buggers talking about me

I don’t give a ■■■■ about the ■■■■■■■ comments from a ■■■■ who married his cousin


You don’t sound great.

What’s going on?

Postman is in on it too ‘he has more Than a homeowner’. Thought he was my friend

Hey golden. I was just about to watch tv when I heard this bugger talk about me. My postman was there too. I honestly thought he was my friend.

Gonna put headphones on.

Thanks for posting on my thread g-Rex. You are a good pal :pray:

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You’re not making sense. Did you take your meds?


I messed my meds up yesterday. Took the right ones just now but missed two doses

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That’s probably why you think this.

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Am gonna stay away from that side of the house where I heard the talking. Gonna put music on my headphones


Good idea, Jimbob.

Just keep distracted until the meds kick in again.


Thanks folks. Wanna cry because you girls are so nice to me

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Sorry that was inappropriate

You alright mate? Im worried about you. Not Stable?

Try a cup of Yorkshire and chill out :frowning:

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Making a Yorkshire and just had a quetiapine

Thanks mate - you are a good guy. You see the band?

Nah i left early - People were pushing into me, and i stopped feeling comfortable lol.
I did well for being a couple of hours outside tho.

Glad you took your Queitiapine mate. Im on the same PRN for my little wobbles.

Im up silly hours most of the time - so if your stressing in the middle of the night - feel free to PM x

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Hope everything is alright mate.

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Man I am trying not to post because I am aware I sound like an unstable person.

But just did some dancing now my flat smells of weed. Go figure

Nah mate . Dont worry. Its a wobble - and you will get over it. Theres a side of me, that would say a small joint would help you and relax, but im not condoning it lol.

Find some good telly or music - and get your head stuck in that. Alot of my episodes have been anxiety based. Maybe its the same for you?

Im always here if you need support.


Feel better @anon94176359!


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