I'm still down as schizaffective on records

But I was told it was bipolar. Was it to shut me up :rage:


How did you find out?

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Well that day when I went to see the nurse she didn’t mention bipolar but sza. The pdoc I saw last said bp

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They got me down as sz, but i think I’m more bi polar

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Maybe the nurse was looking at old notes?

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Eh? The comp wasn’t working but may have been a possibility

I thin it’s all a crap shoot anyway. I had always been lead to believe my dx was schizoaffective after the sz dx. However a referral form for an EEG in 2001 had me down as bipolar. By early 2005 it was schizoaffective mixed type. By late 2005 -personality disorder NOS. Sometime after 2007/8-paranoid personality disorder.
Basic symptoms are the same. It’s just some symptoms have been more consistently prominent.

I guess though with the atypicals like risperdal they are more multi purpose ,so perhaps diagnosis is less important.

I tend to see myself as someone with primary anxiety with secondary mood and thought symptoms. Then added to that is a degree of ASD/NVLD/cognitive symptoms.


Maybe the doctor said “SzA-Bipolar type” and you got confused.

Nope she said bipolar and I could come off the antipsychotic

If they are getting you off of antipsychotics then they probably feel it’s bipolar.


I’ve been consistently diagnosed schizoaffective bipolar type since 1994. I have a co diagnosis of schizophrenia residual type that has never changed either. That has been in place since 1998,