I'm starting to open up

Hi. I have schizophrenia. I have been steadily improving on Zyprexa and Abilify. I realize now that I was sensitive and constantly took objection to perceived wrongs. This resulted, in some way, to making me “locked inside” with schizophrenia. I did not talk to many people in most social settings. Well, finally after all these years, I have lessened the inner rejection of people and I am getting more open, more free. I am starting to talk with more people. I am thankful.

Schizophrenia affected me personally and socially. It is a horrible social illness. I don’t understand how it works, but we suffer exceedingly. The explanation I give is that we are working on some issues for God, for our earth, and God knows it and somehow we will be rewarded later. I believe in heaven.

Freedom, to me, means that I do the things I want to do, and not always serving others and their needs. Also, if a friend has plans that I don’t particularly care to do, I can say, “no.” My relationships, with friends and family, are getting free. I am starting to back away when I feel I am mistreated. Many people want to move closer, but that is to their advantage, and not mine.


Almost all schizophrenics are over sensitive beings. Recognizing where the problem lies is the first step toward improvement. Many of us need years of therapy in order to learn how to cope with external triggers.
Good luck on your journey, it looks like you are taking steps in the right direction :slight_smile:
As for religious beliefs, whatever gives you comfort is ok :slight_smile: as long as you don’t resort to human sacrifices on the altar of your gods :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: Just kidding.

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Welcome to the forum!

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Thanks, Andrey. One comment, I think religion is a very hot topic and I don’t want to get anyone angry. I have a few personal beliefs.

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This is the kind of post which gives me a good feeling. I’m happy for you @Here4You :slight_smile: This sickness causes so much mistrust and suffering. We lose freedom to live with a dignity many take for granted. But when I read something like this I believe these mental illnesses which have terrible power and constantly threaten us can be broken, even if they cannot be removed. I wish you the very best.

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Thank you, thedeepestdream. I understand and agree with your comments. Even though I had fully developed schizophrenia, with 11 hospitalizations over 35 years, I have managed to improve to the extent that I can now work 32 hours a week, I have 6 friends, and I am somewhat well-adjusted and happy. As I get active on this site, perhaps I can share my insights. I find the comments so far to be quite intelligent, which I appreciate.


So happy to hear of your progress! I hope you will choose to share your insights someday, and if not, that’s cool too.

I would love to share what I know or think I know, as long as the info is received well. I do not like when people get mad.

Understandable. One can never predict how people will react. Thing is, this forum is almost always very supportive. They’ve been great to me! :blue_heart: If you’d like, you’re welcome to PM me. People have often told me I’m pretty diplomatic. Just an invite, if you’d rather not accept - no worries - no hard feelings. :slight_smile:

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Hey, welcome to the forum I hope you find help here, I have been here a while and when I was first diagnosed I was on the old forum.

everyone tells me since starting the injections I have really opened up.

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Thank you, Tomasina,

I have some room in my day to read emails so I can read an occasional email from a new person like you. I will tell you later more about my time for emails.

Here is about what I know: I know all about schizophrenia. I am smart in psychology. I am capable of thinking fresh on almost anything. And I am so blessed to be near God (IMO).

Here is what I don’t know: I have almost zero knowledge, you know, facts and figures. I don’t know how to socialize at group events. I don’t know quite what to do with major anger like wars between talking heads.

Feel free to send me an occasional email. From what you wrote I welcome you.

I am in Washington, DC. Where are you? And are you male or female. I am male.

Tom (Here4You).

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