I'm pretty much more lonely than usual

Dance event sounds super fun though.

I would so consider something like dat too.

Nice choice for socialising. :relaxed:

Yeah it’s kind of like a social club almost. There are a bunch of regulars that go and I know most of them. I haven’t gone as much this year because I’m getting burned out on dance music, but they also do “wellness” sessions that involve things like massage and meditation which i went to this past week. The lady who led the meditation is a really beautiful soul and she could honestly do guided meditations professionally. She is amazing, but she says she only wants to do it for free. More power to her, but it was honestly one of the best guided meditations I’ve ever done. Anyway, I have a couple people I’m close with there and a lot of them know I have sz but they still like me anyway. They are a good group of folks.

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I have a few close friends but they all live in different states.

Pretty much my little brother is my best friend in my city. Which is fine with me because I don’t trust many people outside my family. Most of them seem to be shitbirds who will get you in trouble.

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