I'm oh so close

To hitting the “delete account” button on my Facebook page.

Idk. Still thinking about it.

This is Montezuma’s public announcement of the day.

Carry on Ladies and Gents! :clap: :v:


I’ve thought about doing it too. I’ve even started deleting pictures from facebook. No one comments on my posts when I make them even though I have over 100 “friends”. Not even family. It’s pretty sad. I only log on every month of so. Not much point in it.

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Yeah, it’s about the same with me. I only have 30 friends on it. People hardly ever like my post and rarely ever respond to me when I message them.

Even my dad ignores me on it. LOL.

Just deactivate. Then create an anonymous account to follow bands and news like I did. Family can’t find me!


That’s me on both facebook and twitter, I’m a rare visitor. But I like it enough to not delete it so far.

I deleted once before. Now I have 15 people on mine. I used to like the news feeds but the videos crash the web page on my laptop now

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I deleted mine 5 years ago. Felt freeing to do so. Plus not many of the people I know get on anymore.

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That’s good it felt freeing for you.

I think I’ll have the same feeling if I delete mine.

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I use FB groups more than posting on my own wall/page/whatever it’s called. I’ve thought about deleting a few times, but it’s the only way I’m connected to a few old friends.


Yeah…that’s the one thing that makes me wonder if I should keep it. A lot of my military and veteran friends are on my account.

I would feel kinda bad for digitally cutting ties with them.

However I think most/if not all of them have my phone number.

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