My brother lives board-free at our family home, spends all his money on stuff he wants, borrows my car, takes everyone in the house for granted, and throws mighty fits when anyone says a thing to contradict him.
He gets diabetes, then does everything right and is off insulin. He gets dates and has an active social life by my standards which are admittedly abyssmal.
I really hate him. It makes me angry thinking of all the ways he takes advantage of his situation but nothing shitty ever seems to happen to him.
Yeah, he’s a source of issues for me. Not entirely his fault although he’s kind of an ass. As for moving out, I’ve more or less wasted my life waiting for him to move out. He’s forty two years old. So yeah, prolly not gonna happen. I think if anyone moves out of momma’s house first it’ll have to be me. He’ll of course ask me if he can move in, then I’ll get the pleasure of refusing him at least. Sounds nasty I know, but I can’t stand the guy. I don’t know how he has so many friends and dates. He’s such a douche.
I know I sound like a petulant teenager when I talk like that, but yeah.
My brother was an ass, i kinda got away from him around when I was 19, he would steal off me, chase my GF, to this day not much has changed, I left family behind at a young age. I have no regrets, it would be nice to have family, just not the one I had
Try to not be jealous of anyone…it only feeds anger and hatred…forgive him, you will feel better if you can…forgiveness is an every day thing too…don’t give up.
You’re probably right Jukebox. Good advice. Confrontation is hard though and he might get weirded out or not care at all when I tell him I forgive him. I don’t like having a dialogue about uncomfortable subjects so maybe I’ll do it silently.
I’m not sure you need to say anything to your brother necessarily, especially if you don’t think he’s even aware he’s pissing you off. It’s more important that you convince yourself that you forgive your brother so that you can stop dwelling on your brother’s shortcomings and spend your time and energy on more positive stuff.
Yeah, my sister acts like she hates me too. It all stems from childhood. When she and I were children, our mother used to brag to people about how I was so smart, pretty, tall, thin, and talented. And she would say nothing complementary about my sister. Now, my sister hates me for life. It doesn’t matter that my sister is way prettier, thinner, and smarter than me today, fifty years later.