I made a thread here stating that I would not buy anything else related to my guitar until after Christmas(except lessons), after buying my amp. I am now wishing I would have said next month or something. lol. I have 3 things on my list already. A music stand, Ear phones for amp, and some music books in standard notation.
Don’t make promises you don’t want to keep, I guess.
Edit: Oh also, I would like an acoustic guitar eventually, but that can wait.
lol. just listen to my practice sessions. I’m not lying. lol. I’ve got a long way to go. like 2.5 months ago I didnt even own a guitar though so I’m making progress. Only had like 6 lessons.
Dude I ‘m just bustin’. I’m your biggest fan, you’re movin’ along quite well if I may say so. That C chord is a tough mother, I was playing with it today myself and I really had to pay attention to get the notes to ring right. Your dedication and perseverance are second to none. Rock on dude!
BTW my fat little hand likes to mute the 1st string (high E) I have to kinda arch it to prevent this