I'm doing my best but

Does anyone besides me feel it’s morally reprehensible to be awake at 3:30 in the a.m.? I got in bed by nine or ten and couldn’t sleep well, heard a scream somewhere far away within me, and got up once again. I thought I needed 8 hours a night. How much can you get by on?


I enjoy being up all night more than the day. Most people miss out on the tranquility of the late night and early morning.

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Are you manic? Lol you sound like me and im manic

No, I am not manic. I just don’t sleep well every night and my meds have been changed a lot recently.

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Ah that stinks. Not sleeping can cause other issues to flare.

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I like about 7 hours at night and nap during the day

I was up at 3am today too.

Im averaging 3-5 hours sleep. Not sure why.

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i sleep too much lately. judy

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Ive been getting up at 3 or 4am a lot recently. I go to bed at 8pm. I get like 6 solid hours lf sleep. Today i was lucky and fell back asleep after my dog woke up.

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I’m kind of glad we have doctors, nurses, and firefighters awake at that time.

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I have insomnia too .
It sucks and my psychiatrist said I have to wean off my sleeping tablets but I just can’t handle those nights when you are up all night with anxiety and don’t sleep a second.that stuff like days without sleep can bring on psychotic episodes.

I don’t know what I’ll do.

I can’t watch tv or do anything when I get that way … I just lay there feeling awful.

I wanna post a link to a song that says “we will never sleep cause sleep is for the weak, we will never rest til we’re all dead” but can’t cause i’m a new account. :smiley:

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