I'm afraid to look people in the eyes

It’s like it’s a combination of

  1. you can tell too much about someone
  2. I probably don’t like people all that much :confused:
  3. It’s a bit confrontational
  4. ?? Something else I can’t put my finger on

Any advice or insights?

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i had shame and blushing i hated it felt humilited for years so i didn’t make much eye contact, one of the many reasons i healed i went to confession and it worked plus a long the way i matured into a man… i can look life straight in the eye now

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Don’t make eye contact. Funny thing: I was in psychology when my doc tried to look me in the eye. I looked down and I think she totally thought I was checking out her legs.

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I also have difficulty to look people in the eyes. Conversations make me anxious. Peoples facial expressions make me anxious. The two combined is just to much for me to deal with at the same time therefor it is easier for me to avoid eye contact…or at least that is the way I percieve it.

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Look them in the eye when you talk and don’t be afraid to say it into their eyes.

You shouldn’t be submissive in this sort of situation, become Ghengis Khan and take what you demand.


And give firm handshakes, don’t let them overpower you when they introduce themselves.

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When you drive a new car don’t be afraid to rev the engine, test it!

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Looking people in the eyes is an awkward one. Like how much is too much(staring) and how little is too little? If you overcompensate in an effort not to seem weird you can end up seeming creepy and weird anyway.

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I think everybody has problems with looking someone in the eyes. We don’t know how long we should stare at the eyes of the person. The thing is: there’s no perfect eye contact. We should just match our eye contact with our partner’s.

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I know for me, not being able to make good eye contact is the result of having poor self esteem. My low self esteem comes from having an illness(a mental illness) and not doing jack ■■■■ with my life which is because I have an illness. So I guess it all goes back to being mentally ill

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Don’t look in their eyes if you are afraid, just look at the spot between their eyes and they won’t be able to tell a difference.

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just show love in your eyes to your fellow man. they will love you back with their eyes…


…and yes I also believe that people can see that I’m ill by looking in my eyes which I get told over and over again by people is false. I think if you’re really sensitive about something you tend to feel like you wear it on your sleeve. I’m almost expecting to be treated poorly for having a mental illness before I actually even get to the point of eye contact. It’s an issue for therapy definitely something that can be worked on and overcome. The longer time between your last episode the better too and the more normal and accomplished you will be able to feel. That’s my personal take on it.

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i had a friend from Burma when i was in high school. She told me in Burma it is rude to look a person in the eyes, its considered a sign of aggression.

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