I'm a human waste

I can’t do anything, I can’t work, I can’t study because of the meds, I feel like a weight to my family. This is how I feel these moments

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You’re not a waste. Your value isn’t in what you can or cannot do. You have value as a person. Just being you is valuable.


Is it a tiredness, sadness, lack of motivation or something else?

I agree with @disciple . Don’t define your worth in terms of what you can’t do because you have a mental illness.


I’ve been depressed lately. Maybe you’re just depressed. It should pass. I think you’re a nice person.


I’ve been really tired onAbilify since I started it a week ago. I’m letting myself sleep in and I’m trying to accomplish a few things so I don’t feel unproductive and useless. Try picking a few things you can do around the house to help out your family like dishes, laundry, bathrooms… Your family will really appreciate it and you won’t feel so useless.


No…no you are not human waste. You are valuable. hugs

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No you are not human waste!

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Its hard not to feel that way. I do as well. But we aren’t. The disease does this. Makes us think it is some short coming in us. But its not. Take the help from your family. I’ve found that very humbling but they want to help.
I really hope that things start looking up. Take your meds and talk to your pdoc about how you feel.

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This may be a dumpster party where’s Joey

R.i.p. I feel ya. Have I not responded to your posts. I care.

Have some confidence in yourself. And I agree there are things you can do besides work such as exercise, help out around the house, go out walking or hiking or doing something else that’s fun to you, volunteer, read, etc. I’d feel bad about myself if I did nothing all day.


Yeah I get a lot of enjoyment playing video games. The challenge, reward, and you can just sit at a computer

You matter. You are significant. What you think is meaningful. How you feel is important.

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Just be patient and wait. I think you are going to feel better.

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Did you start the holocaust? Did you own slaves and work them to death? Did you vote to detonate a nuclear bomb on Japan, knowing full well that they were hitting civilians too?

These are the sort of things that “human waste” does. Even murdering someone doesn’t necessarily make you “human waste.” You have to be baaaad, and I mean pure evil, before it’s acceptable to refer to yourself as “human waste.”

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Lol I feel the same you are not alone I can’t work cuz meds make me feel like crap

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I don’t feel like I’m contributing much to society now that I’m on benifits, but I do what I can for gaming and giving feedback on how to improve games. I try to be honest about the limitations of my feedback as a player.

I know gaming isn’t much, but I think its one of the things I know more about then most, so I might as well try to use that experience to improve products.

I don’t doubt that in the end its not much of a contribution to society, but being part of the process of improving games is something I’m passionate about.

I think gaming helped keep me out of drugs, and while it might not have helped my schooling, it certainly made the stress more bearable.

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