Yeah totally I’ve been attracted to men since beginning but stopped liking women and felt more akin to men
It always surprises me when people tell me that they’re only attracted to male or female. I assume that most “straight” people have a preference for one sex but could easily be in a happy relationship w/ the person of the same sex if they found the right person.
Because you love who you love like another of the same I can see having sex with women but not loving th em except my daughter
When people realize I’m probably bi they freak the ■■■■ out. I find myself incredibly aroused by women at times but I tend to forget about it due to the predominance of the straight/gay paradigm. Knowing that I’m not totally straight makes me feel like I should be totally gay. Really though I have no interest in sex with men. Sounds gross and complicated. I think the asexuals probably have the most beautiful minds. It must be so clean in there. That’s kind of what I’m working on. People can tell already that I don’t give a ■■■■ what they think.
It may be different in other towns but the hetero crowd here is intolerably intolerant of people who aren’t monosexuals.
Stupidest ■■■■ ever. Drove me crazy.
As soon as openly bi people are accepted and they start to seem cool it opens the culture up a little bit more to allowing people to explore homosexuality without losing that sense of hetero potential. People all know this and they fear it. So they just call us gay.
I really don’t give a ■■■■ though. And the people who actually trust they are straight don’t give a ■■■■ either. It’s all these dudes in there 20s that don’t really understand things yet.
So yeah, ■■■■ Kansas, ■■■■ sexuality, ■■■■ telepathy. These ■■■■■■■ assholes have ruined my mind because I embraced what they feared. It wasn’t even a reality but I will be punished for it until the end of my life.
I understand it all a lot better now. Just wish I could read minds. It’s a total mystery what these folks are doing in there all these days.
Really though I’m pretty jealous of the monosexuals. Social acceptance and lack of confusion/diversity of their feelings. It’s all sort of unpredictable. How people judge me or seem to judge me affects it.
I just hope I can find a girl who can understand all that.
I’m bisexual too. I was a tomboy as a kid. Pretty much tomboy still but have settled being me. I can fall in love with both sexes. But I’m married to a man and we have children. That’s the life I chose. I used to live with a woman. She was a complete nut, constantly trying to control me.
Yeah love is more important than sex. And there are different forms of love.
I wish I had a vagina so I could lay eggs. I think I watched the movie aliens too much as a child. Just got this thing about laying eggs. Dont know why im sharing this
I’m a lesbian trapped in a man’s body.
Yeah that’s kind of how it feels. Butchly.
Yeah totally thanks you guys cuz you identify as a certain type but have to conform mostly with what you’ve been given. Bryan don’t ever take to heart what people think they vary like the weather.
Yeah it’s pretty ■■■■■■■ stupid. They should quit caring.
Just being who you are is making a difference you don’t have to convince them.
I’ll keep that in mind.