To be thorough. It came up in another post, ye olde daimon and ye olde so it goes were talking bout it.
So, after my second psychosis i ended up in a home. This time i saw pan the half goat reall wierd lookin guy. So the home was boring and we were trying to find stuff to do and we went to a bar. We sat down and a dude came over.
We had no drinks though so thats not it.
It came up in convo that he wrote poetry and i asked to hear some. So he begins reciting this dreadful ■■■■, a line was “ill drag you into the darkness”. But that isn’t all.
As he spoke i felt a bit woozy and the room visually began to change, the lights went dimmer and dimmer and dimmer, it became very dark in there. The man’s appearance began to change as well, slowly he began to miss patches of hair and most of his teeth.
Final result was this horrible poem booming in my ears while i sat in an almost completely dark room with a guy grinning murderously at me who was missing hair and teeth. It was only visual though.
And then the reciting finished and everything snapped back to normal all of a sudden. He yells in my face “im a black witch!” angrily.
This man, somehow, was able to induce what they used to call a vision in my mind/brain. He reached in and made me see it with some sort of tech or ability he possessed.
If that can happen then try and think of the other ■■■■ that can be done to a person mentally.
Some are saying they think that it’s real, some are saying it isn’t. But what i can say is that yes what has happened to me and my psychoses are real in the way they had a conscious cause and they can do much to and in a person’s mind.
I don’t have the logistics of course, but it’s absolutely explainable in everyway.
It’s all real, it’s real, it’s real. My mind was taken in bad ways, they can do things to our minds, it’s real.