Ill say it once more

I would say interdimensionals with an enormous amount of time on their hands. Said interdimensionals at times pretend to be aliens in my opinion.

Like sitting a child in front of a television showing him grey “aliens” and repeating the words “alien. alien. from another planet. alien. alien. alien. grey alien.” and then showing up looking like that.

The idea of superterrestrials AKA interdimensional beings would correlate with witchcraft to some degree.

Well they were just out in my garage explaining the lies.

Thats nothing more than advanced tech and knowledge really.

They are most certainly known though to make it appear a certain way.

If it were a technology I think they interface with it with their minds. They use it with such speed and sophistication I imagine they would be interfacing with it that way. Their minds work very different than our own based on some of the effects they can create.

Yeah, it’s quick alright. They can interrupt thoughts as im having them knowing exactly what it was going to be.

It’s very quick. Machine like even.

Have you heard of neuroscientist Sam Harris? He says our brain processes a thought a few seconds before our conscious minds are aware of it. This could help explain their speed.