It’s either a sign of higher intelligence.
You’re a potential serial killer.
(I’ve seriously read articles on this.)
It’s either a sign of higher intelligence.
You’re a potential serial killer.
(I’ve seriously read articles on this.)
Neither, this makes nonsense.
Don’t believe everything you read.
Its genetic, some have 6 toes and 6 fingers.
I thought everybody’s toe next to their big toe was longer than the big toe.
Seriously, investigators have discovered that many serial killers share this long 4th toe trait.
And it’s also a sign of higher intelligence.
How does one can me of high intelligence and a serial killer at the same time? Criminals have no education, they use the lowest form of intelligence, violence.
“Criminals have no education”
Tell that to the Wall Street gang who fleeced millions of people in 2008.
Means nothing other than you have some damn, ugly feet.
I meant they function on the lowest level of intelligence, violence, theft, etc They live in constant fear and danger. I find it stupid. I would rather have sz like now than being a criminal.
actually I heard that you should have better balance because of this
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