If you use facebook, does it just alienate you?

LOL @flameoftherhine yes…we are so hip with our facesnaps and twitter books :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Ouch, that hurts.

Yeah it’s ok now. I am just learning to live with it.

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weren’t really messages. facebook spam/robot or something


Think the names been changed to stalkbook now.


When I used to check facebook, it totally alienated me. I haven’t used it for over 10 years.


You can simply unfollow people you knw

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People post things on politics but then get mad when you respond to their posts if you have a different opinion. For some reason though barely anyone has unfriended me even though I don’t really use facebook that much anymore. I’ve been doing the genes for good thing that @Anna talked about. Other than that I don’t really check it. Also you can get depressed when you see everything that everyone else is doing with their lives because they only post the positive. Since I view facebook as a way to let people I’ve known have the general idea of what is going on I post negative stuff as well.

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I wouldn’t say alienated… But all these political posts have been stressing me out and making me feel obsessive

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It’s hard. Most people on my Facebook are doing really well married to doctors, become engineers, etc. it motivates me to at least get my accounting degree so I can work in a nice office one day and buy a house in the city.

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I only friend people I really like , seems they all.post things I agree with. Guess that’s why I like them . I will unfollow or follow less people that tend to post things I morally don’t want to see. Kinda miss the ability to descuss important matters and find common ground with people that are way different than me though. People tend to post things to make there lives look alittle more Glamour’s . I really try not to compare lives and just try to enjoy the fact that they’ve found something they want to share.

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I’ve never had a Facebook. I sometimes think I’m the only 28 year old who has never been on Facebook.

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I only use Facebook so that my sister, girlfriend, and my mother can stay in contact with me over messenger, as that is the only way they can contact me. Otherwise, I would delete my Facebook account in a heartbeat.


I use fb a lot, but mostly when I’m bored. Never alienated by it. I don’t have a ton of friends on there, only friend people I know or have known well at some point. I recently unfollowed someone due to his negativity, don’t need all of that in my life, not to mention his constant political posting. I also use it to follow my favorite teams and bands.


I got into alot of trouble on facebook. I wont use it and haven’t since 2011. Facebook censors free speech and any view they don’t like. I don’t use Google either. Any website they don’t like won’t show up in search results they also ban free speech. I disabled google and chrome for that reason. Mark Zuckerberg is a nazi dictator.

@anon62973308 That’s good that you want to get your accounting degree. It’s good for those of us with this illness to have goals.

Facebook, skype always have trouble with those,


Yeah I have a Skype account too, Never use it though. Good news everyone - my Father and I are on FB together. :smiley:

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