Thanks. The way I see it, no one has my exact symptoms so it deserves its own name. Feel free to copy, I won’t take legal action
The One thing and only thing I would change about myself is my weight to lose weight to be exact until I reached my goal of 120 pounds not 200 plus pounds which is very unhealthy and unattractive to me.
lost my leg when i was eighteen,ive met people who’s legs
look just like mine would of if i didnt get it cut off,some people even i met are going to die if they dont amputate,but theydall prefer tohave ther body parts under any circumstances,i didnt have aq choice
I’d remove the tension I feel around people. I hate that tension and I’d give almost anything to be rid of it.
Sorry @crimby it might go away the more you practice it.
I would change some choices i made in life but i guess those made me who i am today. I wish i was more athletic. I envy athletes and strong people. I wish i was more clever when speaking to other people, sometimes i cant tell hidden motives but i know how to insult when necessary. Maybe it’s a good thing that im very honest and never decieve. I was super naive when growing up. Bigger boobs wouldnt hurt either
It’s conceivable that if I hadn’t made some of the choices I made life could have been much worse. I can sometimes see myself with a family in the suburbs and blowing my brains out because I was alcoholic and sz. I guess it doesn’t pay to speculate on what could have been.
I’d be more of a go getter and more persistent about getting things done.
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