If we lose the white rhinos can we at least save the pangolins

Im tired of humans treating nature like ■■■■. If anyone needs to be extinct its us.


I like tigers and polar bears

I don’t understand how with our current technology we can “lose” animals anymore. Like the white rhinos, to my knowledge there are still two females? But just the last male died? Did they not collect and store his sperm so it could be used later? And I read articles saying they “hoped” he’d mate with the females and didn’t. Did artificial insemnation not happen?? Was that not possible for some reason?

Also you can clone things now. Save some of their DNA. I think with current tech you can only do it when the bodies are fresh. They could’ve taken it as soon as he died and cloned him. For future cloning tech they think you won’t even need fresh bodies which is where talk of bringing back mammoths and stuff came in. So they could even have saved the DNA for that.

There are endless options that could’ve been taken to preserve this species. If none of them were taken, I can only assume that it’s because people just didn’t really care. Swear to the lord they must’ve tried at least some of these though otherwise I’m beyond baffled.


You over estimate humanity… the need and the want are there… but war is more important… any species we lose with our current tech… if we ever meet higher beings… how will it look…

Animals tend to not fair so well in domesticated environments or cages… and their capacity and desire to reproduce is even more delicate…

They’re trying like mad with the pandas… but apparently those things don’t breed well.

Still a whole lot of all of it is documented. Got biologists racing around the clock to acquire funding for this and that.

All this just makes me think of cloning and bioengineering… just to preserve the sense that they aren’t permanently gone. However, if you were in my head you could see that I’m just looking out for the cool ones… pretty self-interested and inhumane all the same.

Really we’re wrecking the planet… and that is more the underlying yet prominent issue in activism… and that is a direct clash against modern human mentality… which is probably more what activists really don’t like… Just ■■■■ bags every where who don’t give a ■■■■ about any thing in the long run.

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We should clean up and move… I know we cant yet… but we can start to clean up… and when we can move we should…

Yeah definitely I am all for preserving the planet and fighting to get these animals their habitats back, but I wish that we could at least preserve the species until we manage to do so.

Or could you think about this all as a process of natural selection? We’re a product of nature. In the end we’ll likely only have animal species left that have learned to live among humans and prosper, such as squirrels, pigeons, rats, mice, etc in addition to domestics and not much else. Sad but that’s the direction we’re moving towards.

What if we dna something back… but also edit its brain and genes… reducing size and irritability as best possible… increase their numbers… and just keeping them like cats and dogs… bringing them into hume society…

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