I was wondering, since we have so many different countries represented in this forum, what some different idioms are where you’re from.
My aunt always used to say she was “sweating like a whore in church” when she was sweating a lot. Which I thought was funny. Or “raining cats and dogs” when it was raining really hard.
"Thinks they are all that and a bag of potato chips "- has a high idea of themselves.
I still talk to my ex wife occasionally on the phone. I laugh my ass off when this prim and proper Southern Girl from Arkansas uses that and others in conversation! Funny as!
“Don’t cry over the spilled milk” or “não chorar pelo leite derramado.” It means not to get worried for something that happened and you can’t change anymore.
stupid agency in my head dont let me remember anything
and if i said it will be like that
you ll not understand anything
arabic is really old language
“He took off like a bat out of hell” was what my great grandpa used to say, it basically means that someone left really quickly. I’m not good with idioms, so correct me if Im wrong
Gd ■■■■ the bed…
Wtf?! Good and bad
Kick rocks
Walk on…
This ■■■■ is for the birds…
This is crap…usually in response to being told to do some crappy job…