Identification of serum microRNAs as diagnostic biomarkers for schizophrenia


is this test available

Wait, not mtDNA, right?

No it’s still in the research phase.

There are a number of tests seeking to do this and using different methods. All of them still need to be validated in larger groups.

In the future they might use something like this combined with brain scans to up the accuracy.

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No, it’s a microRNA test.

MicroRNA is

a cellular RNA fragment that prevents the production of a particular protein by binding to and destroying the messenger RNA that would have produced the protein.

…according to the internet. It’s above my pay grade.

I would think that having this knowledge might also be useful for developing future treatments. But I don’t really understand how microRNA works or how the proteins involved might affect the brain.

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Me neither, but from what I understand, it’s DNA that is outside of nucleus of a cell. This is really really complicated stuff. I know most of genes/mtDNA but this seems to be confusing to me lol

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