I seem to be cycling in mood lately between extremely excited and bubbly to not being able to get out of bed in the mornings because I’m out of cigarettes. I wonder what else there is to being schizoaffective, anyone?
You can have a mood element to your illness without it being schizoaffective… bring it up to your pdoc next time you see him.
I rapid cycle a lot, have a few days of hypomania, a few days of depression, but since I’m on this dose of my med it’s been better, I’m not so worried anymore.
I think it’s the stress of being forced to support both of us and the dogs on just my check. ? we eat two eggs and buttered toast for breakfast, afternoon lunch is 2 hot dogs each a day. and if we must later, we will have chicken flavored ramen noodles. there’s even a can of pork and beans if you must still keep eating but that is the key to our diet lately. I have lost 55 pounds and now weigh 237.
Sorry to hear that, really hope you can find a solution for that problem soon.
Stress can definitely trigger moods.
things are working out…I guess…Angela has an second interview this week with the district manager of Subway. the first interview went extremely well. the supervisor called another worker from Iowa over to say hi to Angie because that’s where Angela is from too. Also hopeful about a letter she received that says she will be hearing from the state to be a toll booth worker…that is full benefits and subway has no benefits and low pay. depends where you start out with subway as far as higher pay. thanks for caring @Minnii
That’s good Good luck to Angela.
No problem!
I think my moodiness is because I’m so disappointed in my usual day of just listening to music all day and laying in bed. When I drove to the next town and played banjo with my friends I was so happy and now…blah…
oh well…I still have my music tonight. Angie is in bed and I have the stereo loud enough I can hear it in the kitchen good. Angie doesn’t hear it in her bedroom with the air conditioner unit on in there.
I think there is a manic component in schizophrenia, Plain depression as well a few others as well.
Might be worth tracking moods either way as you can track triggers better that way. You can download mood journals and print them out for free off the net are many around. Are a few good free apps around also.
A mood journal does help your pdoc get a better idea of your moods, so can help you better. You’d also get a defendant answer with it.
I guess I have been pretty stable lately too so I don’t want to report the moodiness to my pdoc, she’ll want to change my meds and I’m afaid of TD so I don’t like my meds messed with…
Mmmm I see the logic in that? Post you’re feeling unstable and worry that a med change that will make you stable.
well, it’s just that the moodiness is “situational” I think. Visiting Brian and Mary Ann kicked the wind out of my daily life sails but I think I will be o k. I am just waiting for Angie to start working again…it’s been four months.
Emil Kraepelin, the founder of the concepts of ‘bipolar’ and ‘schizophrenia’ said that it was extremely rare to find a case that was purely one or the other.
I agree.
I have a lot of bipolar symptoms mixed in with a good dose of paranoia and negative symptoms - this would be the schiz side of things.
My current diagnosis is Schizoaffective disorder bipolar type, I think that it fits.
I have mood swings. Sometimes very bubbly and sometimes very dark. I don’t know if anyone seen Teen Titans but the character Raven has many sides to her and it’s kinda like how my mood swings are. My pdoc hasn’t said much about a type of diagnosis yet. He just sad schizophrenia and he was done.
Short clip of my mood swings: