I lost my dear friend(she was like a second mom to me) her name was Kathy. She passed away on my birthday in January after a 9 month battle with pancreatic cancer. I still really miss her, it’s still hurts knowing she’s gone.
Now today I was taking to my parents and my dad had some recent tests done. They found nodules on my dad’s liver and kidneys. The doctor thinks they could be cancerous but we need more tests to know for sure. But this is just hitting me so hard. I can’t stop crying tonight and am having horrible anxiety and the hallucinations are back due to the stress. I can’t stand the thought of losing my dad. I’m almost at a crisis point right now just by getting the news.
We’re in the same boat. I lost my BFF on Mar 4. Cancer. Now another friend - albeit one I am not as close to as I was with Ray - is also terminal with cancer. I’m struggling.
Anyhow, I get it. Feel free to PM me if you need support from someone in the same place you are.