Cancer. My dad has it

My dad was officially diagnosed with cancer a couple days ago and it has really put me at an all time low in my life.

I tried to be optimistic, but I just can’t do it.

It made me realize that everyone dies. It’s like a kick in the stomach.
You, me, everyone. We all die. It’s depressing. And I fear it.

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Jackie I’m sorry. I don’t know what to advise you but I know it’s hard and I’m here if you want to talk. In private too.

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I’m sorry jackie :frowning_face:

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Yeah I’m sorry @Jackie (((Hugs)))

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I’m sorry to hear about your dad @Jackie. Has your dad’s oncologist come up with a treatment plan for him?

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I’m sorry. That’s awful. What kind of cancer does he have, and what stage? Some cancers are very easy to get rid of nowadays.

My dad had lung cancer, and it was horrible. I’m around if you want to talk. If you’d rather just totally ignore this post, that’s okay, too.


It is a shock only to read about it, but when it happens to you it is a nightmare… :frowning:

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Everyone goes, but not everyone goes in style – that’s my aspiration.

So sorry for your having to deal with this. Sending ((hugs)) and good vibes your way.


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So very sorry, Jackie. 1515151515

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I’m so sorry to hear this.

** Hugs **

Take care :v:

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Sorry to hear about your dad.

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I’m sorry your family is going through this terrible journey.

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Hope your father gets better :heart:

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My heart goes out to you and your family, Jackie.

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What kind of cancer and at what stage, @Jackie? It’s scary no matter what but some people do beat cancer.
My mom passed away from Stage Four Lung Cancer almost eight years ago. It was horrible.
Make sure you have a good support system around you and spend as much time with your dad as possible.
I hope he recovers, but either way, it does bring up heavy realizations, etc. It’s ok to feel sad, angry, overwhelmed, scared… but don’t let feelings destroy you. Your dad will need you to be strong, and to know that you’re ok. :heart: