I was thinking of leaving here but

I feel its difficult to know what people think of me
Im not writing this for sympathy
I genuinely feel a bit exposed like maybe i shouldnt share so much about myself online and i dont know if im upsetting anybody i could be ■■■■■■■ off everyone??


Is it about negative symptoms? I talk about them often. I think its ok.

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no you’re fine…I’m sorry you feel exposed…you are just trying to feel better like all of us…we are in this together…please don’t leave…I like your posts and will try to do better posting on your threads.


I know talking about them makes me seem weak and complaining but its ok to vent. Thats what the forum is for.


You are very likable @anon85745701
Maybe you are just feeling a bit paranoid

I suffer with SZA/bipolar and agoraphobia


You’re great don’t worry. I think everyone here likes you


@Aziz @Wave
Yes it took me about 2 weeks to stop being a nervous wreck on here and thinking like crazy what i was writing
Now im a bit more relax but i worry and get paranoid about everything like an feel exposed sometimes in what i tell too much

@jukebox you have always been big support

I think its hard to answer on this site to everyone and everything and some people sometimes are going to feel neglected.


@Wave i enjoy your posts
Ive schizophrenia agoraphobia social phobia, suicidal ideation with unspec personality disorder? So ■■■■ knows im alive and kicking

Im sorry ive been feeling insecure again
I can’t help it
Im just being honest about it


You’ve not pissed anyone off @anon85745701 not at all. I think that too.

And regarding what ever you have shared is good. We are a close community of schizophrenics sharing our lives deeply from time to time.

I think your lovely. It’s horrible when we think like this which is on a daily basis. We suffer and share things together, especially when life is hard.

I’ve just woken up it’s midnight, and thought I’d have a look to pass some time and glad I saw your post. Honestly your only ever nice.

Try not to worry and if possible try to get some sleep.


Nah! You are not being rabble rouser. I have always enjoyed reading your posts.

All I post about constantly is my banjo playing and one of my tells is inserting cuss words when I am feeling off or not doing well. Sometimes it feels good to see your thoughts on the screen and even better when another member responds or gives a Like but sometimes folks do not know what to say.


I think it’s good that you’re here and sharing


You haven’t done anything wrong. You’re a good person to have on the forum. I have no idea who you are and I don’t believe anyone else does either. So you’ve been private enough. Please stay. You’re valuable


Often times I get the feeling that everyone hates me and I should just go jump off a bridge but then all of a sudden I realize I don’t give a ■■■■. If every single schizophrenic in the world hates me I’ll have to try to attract bi-polars. lol


As far as feeling a bit exposed, I read here where somebody (perhaps @Om_Sadasiva ) was talking about how this forum was to a great extent just a family in group therapy.
To that point, we all expose ourselves to a degree, probably out of need.
To your other point, I have only traded good conversation with you and dont feel any ill will otherwise.
Please stay in peace. :grinning:


i think you are a good person
you have helped me get threw some bad times
i feel the same that i say to much and may trigger others but i have no were else to go
so i hope i never made you mad


Thanks to everyone that shared thoughts it is really helpful to me.
I will stay but i can’t promise I’ll never have another wobble its bound to happen
Take care everyone :heart: :smiley:

@Leaf you are hilarious mate


@anon85745701 just think, bi-polars are more abundant and way more fun than schizophrenics anyway. lol

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well i think you are a valuble and interesting member of the community.

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