What will you do?

If a person come to you and say I have seen you from sz.com forum !

Whats is your first reaction?

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I guess I would be embarrassed because I carry a ton of self stigma. Nobody knows my diagnosis except my mother and my husband.

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It’s not a big deal to me as I am open about having schizophrenia now.

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Everyone knows I’m crazy :rofl: wouldn’t bother me at all

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Is keeping my profile secret is better?

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no problem with that

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Some guys i’ve seen in town I saw in the head hospital later when I was there years ago - the world seems not to be as big as known perhaps

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I would be excited to finally meet someone with my diagnosis. Outside of the hospital that is.


In 2011 I met up with a person I met on here. We’ve been friends ever since. I think it depends on the person. I don’t gel with everyone, but I’d give it a go.

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