I really really want to. I’m gonna do it I think. I want to prove to myself I can exist without these meds. I don’t even have a problem
No one would know either
I want to stop taking my meds too. Unfortunately I suffer more without them. It’s a shitty situation.
Have you talked to your doctor about this?
No . I won’t tell anyone I’m going off them
No don’t do that…!! if you are on meds now and everything is fine why would you try to get off your meds…it’s only going to be harder to stabilize you again after you quit…you could lose everything !! @doodle
My mind tells me to quit
Don’t worry they’ll know when you’ll get psychotic in a ward.
I think that’s a really bad idea. You should talk to your doctor about it. Maybe you can try a reduced dose. Maybe there’s good reason not to, and you can talk about that with your doctor.
I tried to come off my meds when I started to feel better and it didn’t end well.
Don’t do it @doodle.
Stay on your meds.
You can end up in the Hospital for months or worse yet in jail or dead.
You might become homeless too.
It’s not worth it.
@doodle please don’t stop taking your meds. You will get sick if you do
Okay… I will try to fight my brain… it’s so hard… this illness tells you you don’t have an illness …
It is a very dangerous risk going off your meds doodles. I went off meds last year and now I need an added 2 hours every night of sleep. I was also involuntarily placed in the mental ward. Be careful with your decisions regarding meds, they can have long lasting consequences. It is hard when your mind is telling you that you are fine, the truth is most likely you are fine because of the meds
Every time I tried that it was a disaster.
That’s what I said to myself before embarassing myself in front of my medical team and my family the last time I went off my meds.
dude everyone wants to be off their meds but guess what, it’s not going to work. I’m sorry my friend.
I wish I didn’t need mine either but such is life.
I don’t recommend stopping them. Your psychotic symptoms will probably get worse and you will need more meds.
thank you everyone… I will continue to take my medication… I have hit a very low point once more and feel extremely depressed again… sorry for being so dramatic on this forum all the time… I appreciate your advice and replies
I just don’t want to be on It forever. I want to drink and have fun. I don’t even feel like I really need it… I don’t want to be like this anymore. Im so tired of everything and I don’t see the point. It makes me so sleepy I could sleep for 24 hours
If you are doing well, you might ask your doctor about decreasing your dose. They’ll do that sometimes.
I know the feeling. I sometimes wonder if I have an illness, then sometimes out of the blue something will happen to me and remind me why I’m still on medications. If you have been on medications for a long period of time I would highly recommend discussing not taking them with your doctor, some drugs you don’t know the side-affects of just stopping. And then again some days you can feel really good and wonder why do I need these? Then others you’ll be like I really need my med’s tonight.
To just stop taking them on your own is very risky, not necessarily because it could cause a relapse, but because what long-time exposure to the drug could cause to your body. Just think of those people in rehab and prison that don’t have their drugs, and how bad it is for them to wash it out of their system.
Sometimes it may simply mean you could ask your doctor for a decrease in the amount of whatever you take, but a slow decrease would work the best. Not a full on stop. Of course, I’m not a doctor and just a patient…and I don’t know your circumstances. Just really think about it. Besides what’s the worse your doctor could do if you say you don’t need your drugs? Aside from saying you should keep taking them I guess.
I am on lowest possible dose right now… I think my mind just tells me I am fine… I don’t really know