you know i always thought artwork where the artist was a mystery was more valuable. something about the mystery of it im into.
you’re a very talented artist from what you’ve shared, no problem with making money off of it. i think it’s very difficult to become famous artist anyhow, you could cross that bridge when it comes to it. idk. hope you can figure things out, im probably not much help. sorry.
Don’t give it up! It’s a gift, take care of it. There are so many talented starving artists out there you know. It’s hard to get recognized. I think you can be calm about becoming famous. It’s almost impossible!
It’s hard to get recognized as an artist. There are so many talented people out there competing for fame. So you don’t have to worry! But who knows, perhaps you will get famous?? Just please, don’t let your gift go to waste. Don’t ever stop creating!
yeah it’s a catch 22. if i was talented artist i would probably claim my art as well. gotta make a living,
i too don’t want to be famous, which is another reason why i’ve lost inspiration to play my guitar, i have no desire to be up on stage so i think what’s the point. the only thing that seems appealing is to make studio albums that people could buy and relax to in their home. but it’s much worry about nothing as im not that talented. you have better chance than me to become famous with your talents.
i like not being known by a lot of people. i used to live in a small town and starred on the basketball team and it really messed with my head thinking everybody knew who i was, and that my behaviour was under the microscope, plus i was always in the local newspaper. it was all probably delusional thinking on my part. but even some years later i learned that i really enjoyed cities where no one knew who i was, it felt like i was free… and back in a small town i also like going to the grocery store and having no one stop me and get into a conversation about things. i just like to go about my business, im not one for fame yet. i can’t imagine enjoying it for myself.
I can kind of understand that, being famous would go against my personal ideal of doing things for myself. I think when you are the center of a crowd you can’t help but to give in to their pressure. Also I think there is a social psychological effect of working with someone observing you, I think this was the topic of the first social psychology experiment. Can’t remember.