I really liked these coffee nips snd they were super cheap at the time so I ended up buying a few cartons of them. There’s 10 boxes in each carton with about 16 individually wrapped candies in each one. They were only $11.00 for a carton; now they’re $26.00. Anyways, I love these things but I think they were part of the reason why I got a bunch of cavities and needed 5 root canals a year ago. I have 2 1/2 cartons left and I don’t want them, I want to get rid of them. Any ideas from you guys? I was thinking of donating them to the food bank, maybe they could give a 16 piece box to each person. What would you do with them?
Do you have a sober club house nearby?
That’s an idea.
Do you have a clubhouse nearby for people with mental illness? Sometimes I’ll get food on sale and share it with the other members of my clubhouse who don’t have money to buy food. They always appreciate it.
I called the sober clubhouse across town and they’ll take the candy. A lot of alcoholics and addicts are poor too.
Whew! Five root canals. That’s a lot. Donating the candies to a food bank is a good idea.
From the body’s perspective, sugar is a lot like alcohol. Persons new in sobriety are likely to find candy comforting.
Where are you a good person nick. If there where more like your kind the world would be a much better place. So I’ll just say **** B***s you for your goodness.
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