I want to discuss the psychology of "telepathy"

This is my first post and I think this is the best place to put my ideas. Soo ever since my experience with these feelings of connection with other people and animals on a very deep level I started to theorize what had been happening… Telepathy, some sort of collective unconscious.? My most recent theory is that what most schizophrenics experience ( or atleast what I think I experienced) is this feeling of empathy, a sense that people can tell what you are thinking good or bad. You see it in social anxiety cases where the person senses an “anxiety” of other people knowing what they are thinking, or what I like to call it an extra sensory perception of other people around them. In my experience I saw people as they saw me where I could put my thoughts out there and people would respond to my thoughts but still having them know that I am too pussy to talk in real life just to talk in this form of non verbal unconscious semi conscious gestures noticeable and picked up by strangers who knew me very well. I could do the same sort of receiving thing but this relationship with the outside world was way more of a one way thing. Any way enough of my experience My theory is that everyone has empathy you can use that as a sort of communication to communicate with anything even people on TV because they’re still people on tv and you can still empathize/communicate with them. You don’t even have to be aware of the phenomenon for you to participate in it it just matters what side your’e mostly in it’s like a balance, an internal/ external balance. You can prove this because normal people participate in this form of communication all the time it is just so natural to them. No one knows the area at all. Personally I always just desperatly lose myself trying to get in on no matter what that means gay or not. I know people will be annoyed at me because i’ll be talking about this ‘taboo’ but I mean all the philosophers do it. What do you guys think?

Telepathy aint real man. I’ve got it worse then most people then I’ve heard from…

Empathy is the middle ground.

Body language is what it should be called.

My two cents.

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I don’t think it shouldn’t be this taboo I’m saying there’s delusions and then there’s a middle ground a sort of mind set sense you can harness. it’s a kind of balance from internal world and external world now I haven’t been aware of these phenomenons in like a month now but I feel like there’s meaning in all of this. Although I have never been able to harness it in the past I believe there is a possibility if one is aware enough. There’s a biology sciency part to everything then there’s a psychological philosophical way to everything I think the psych makes more sense even if biology may have evidence. Sorry maybe I’m barking up the wrong tree, idk I just think it all make complete sense on a philosophical level.

Look up thought projection

It’s not a reality though. Feel free to explore the philosophical side of it if you wish. Human communication is a lot deeper than words. Still no one knows anything for certain until it is said aloud.

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You can probably tell i’m a little kid outside of school man i’m stupid i’ll be quiet now.

Thought transference, thought projection, thought broadcasting… these things aren’t real. The energy in the mind is an electrical mess as is the waves it emanates. You might want these things to be real but if you take a wrong turn then will blow up in your face. You don’t want to develop the persistent hallucinations I have. They will tear you apart.

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Unfortunately believing in telepathy can lead to serious mental illness. It’s a very difficult road to traverse from there. Focus on real life man. You’ll be better off that way.

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Sorry I just skipped over your first set of words sorry I’m like 10 min behind. I guess I just have that youngster mentality since my mind isn’t done growing. I can easily disregard my feelings about it right now since it am not participating in the embarrassment. I guess I just get lost in translation in a way not saying it’s bad way to think but who am I talking to anyway a bunch of adults. You guys don’t have the time to philosophize you guys have to be as ‘present’ as you can as for me I want to keep thing evenly balanced if there is such a thing…

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AS an adult ill just give you some advice. You don’t have to think so hard. Telepathy isn’t real.

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If your young and your experiencing “connection” Then it’s a sign your growing up :blush:

Be careful about your views on telepathy. Could lead to some weird beliefs and then you’ll be all screwed up .

and… don’t do drugs kids :slight_smile:


Just sucks for the people that lose their ability to control stuff I for one just have a low honesty rate. I think I may have compulsive lying I’m pretty sure I’ve just been lying about everything I had told you. Which is very easy to say when you can ruin your life in a few seconds…

Yeah that’s what I’m really trying to describe! Puberty. very strange experience in my opinion doctors need to get their stuff together with their diagnosis crazy stuff… I mean really childhood schizophrenia? I do not believe.

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Truth. I think you’ll be fine man. Just read about critical thinking skills. That will help you build some good foundations for thinking also.

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Yep, telepathy is real in one way or another.

They are also developing tech that can do it.

Real as real can be!

And don’t listen to ^ pan the man :slight_smile:


Yeah I guess everybody can relate to getting over excited as a teen and not knowing exactly whats going on ie. mood swings, falling in “love” ect

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Yeah , mood disorders do exist though. I never really understood why I was so hyper excitable or extremely tired for years until I was about 22-23 . I had 0 education on what mental health or illness was I barely knew what anxiety was. Now I’m 27 still getting the hang of it.

Yeah I think there are many words for it I think it is just a feeling a ‘sense’ as weird as it is. It’s hard to describe feelings I think.

Alright then.

Oh, they have to see it first.

Someone or something speaks with me in my mind on a daily basis. Telepathy is real and is scientifically explainable okay.

Simple to understand. Our minds aren’t things that don’t exist right? They are made of substance, of course they can be looked into and heard, all kinds of things can happen.