As an Indian , the middle name given to me is my father’s name. It’s tradition… I’d like to legally change this name to somehing else because I’d like a middle name… Is this weird.
I don’t only have my dads first name as a middle name but his own middle name and his fathers name too.
Yes Ishmael as I recall…
You can change it to sth female name
Ish isn’t my real name…lol
It’s not hard to get a legal name change in most countries. I changed my name legally, to a somewhat unusual name, and no questions were asked. rubber stamp granted. Do it!
You can change your name by deed poll, @anon25873142. Good luck!
I don’t know where you live, @anon25873142, but in the US changing your name is a pain in the butt. (But worth it, if it means a lot to you.) I changed my last name legally in 2008 in the state of New York, and it required a lot of paperwork, and two visits to the courthouse, including one in front of the judge where you tell them why you want your name changed. Then you have to publish a notice in a local paper.
I hired an attorney to help me change my name years ago. I’m glad I did it. I like my name much better now
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