I want to be a horrid

I want to be a horrid witch! I want old white hair, a hideous cackle, an age in my face. Thin lanky hands. And large menacing eyes. I want to be as ugly as my heart will become over the years. Dark as death. Hahahaha!!!


Yeah, I feel like repelling people too sometimes.


Lol. You get me.

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I already talk about how music nowadays sucks and kids have no respect. I’m well on my way to being a grumpy oldie. :joy:


I must be having a midlife crisis because I want vanity and other times I want Grace.

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That is somehow wrong.
At the end of our 20s and early 30s we start to think more about mostly everything from hobbies to relationships and everything in between, it’s a period when we analize our life more and keep wondering about our role in the world.
Its like a second adolescence (in adolescence we also think and wonder more) because then we become more mature. This explains your passion for your brother in law. There are a lot of changes going with people at that age.

So I won’t call this a crisis(f king Hollywood and pop culture) but more a maturing process

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Wow, I never thought of it that way. Thanks! :+1:t2::blush:

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In medieval times such sentiments would have got you burnt at the stake as a witch. One woman claimed that nine million women were burned at the stake as witches, but in order for that to happen they would have had to burn 24 women every day for a thousand years. I’ve heard an estimate that roughly 28,000 women were burned as witches during the more than a thousand years they did such things. That sounds more likely. That’s still pretty shocking. I feel no human kinship to people who would do such things. I feel like they are a different species than we are today.


An interesting theory about the historical Salem witch hunt and the subsequent executions of the victims is that in that area, in that time, a huge load of wheat to make bread had gone bad and grew mold but the bakers didn’t know it and they baked bread for the colonies but the mold was a type that was almost identical to LSD and so when both women and men ate the acid-laced bread they started acting bizarre and saying bizarre things.

The other people who witnessed this thought they were possessed but really they were tripping on acid. The other people called them witches or warlocks and stoned them to death or drowned them or hung them. The people who consumed the bad bread had no idea what was happening to themselves since there were no Timothy Leary’s or hippies or Beatles around in the 1600’s to explain.

I also believe that most people today have an exaggerated sense of how many “witches” were actually killed in Salem at that time. It wasn’t like a mass slaughter where hundreds of accused witches died it was more like 50-150.


I’ve heard that theory too. Still, 50 - 100 dead isn’t good. But in Europe during the middle ages I have no problem with saying 25,000 to 30,000 were burned. I’ve heard a woman say that nine million were burned at the stake, but that’s preposterous. Still, that many burned at the stake isn’t good. Men were sometimes burned as heretics, but probably not as many as the women.


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