I truly honestly believe everyone can be a genius

If you have the right environment and you put your mind to it, In a way Albert Einstein didn’t say it for nothing. I don’t mean to be grandiose or add to anyone’s grandiose delusions in anyway. But I believe everyone can be a genius if it was right or something… Hell I don’t freaking know. All I know is in my high school yearbook, I offered these two kids $10 each to write that they were geniuses for my yearbook quote. To be honest they never really paid me back, or paid me in the first place. Kind of ■■■■■■ up if you ask me. But anyways, I got psychotic later on and I looked back at my yearbook and saw that. And I was no genius and I still aren’t by any means. Most of all I try to stay humble these days.

But I don’t think I’m an idiot. I’ve benefited intelligence because of this I have no doubt in my mind. And I feel like everything happens for a reason but maybe I’m just crazy. This is an unusual belief for a reason.

That’s all I’ll say i guess. I’m
Sorry if I’ve ever contributed to others delusions. But. I’ll be more careful with my words from now on. Peace. Your 3rd favorite Sz emcee (Gratitude) behind @zwolfgang and biZzy bone acorse. Peace I’m Gratitude

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No one has to be a genius to live their gdamn life. Humble is the operative word.


He’ll yeah but don’t u think everything happens for a reason it’s the balance. To me I always cared about enlightenment and ego. Those were my top 2. But hard to become enlightened thinking you’re a genius. Strange phenomena in everybody’s life. I just have been exposed. Do you feel me??? Words are powerful. Especially the “genius” word. I hate that word. But I believe in it. Synonymous with enlightenment in a way but in a way entirely more narcissistic. I’m not enlightened. When I die I may be. But becoming enlightened is a lifelong process and I think everyone’s capable but I might be crazy. Thanks for helping me brainstorm.

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It sounds like you’re just making up delusional memories.

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Sometimes I think so too. I sometimes see people who are badly out of step, but if you know their history and background their lives and the way they live makes a lot more sense. Sometimes I think that if they were tutored by someone who understood them they could surprise the world with their achievements.


Yeah, I thought it was a smart idea to trade all four brand new, steel belted tires and wheels on my dads car for 3 rocks of crack and hoped he wouldn’t notice. I put all four wheels on this strangers car and put his four wheels on mine. Unfortunately, it didn’t help that each wheel had a different rim. My dad didn’t notice for about three days but when he finally caught on he wasn’t that angry, just really disappointed in me.

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