I tried my best

Many of you have given me suggestions to get out of this dark place I am in. This week I
-took a walk
-met with each person on my treatment team
-spent the day with a friend
-volunteered at a home playing bingo
-donated food and gifts to a home
-served in ministry at church
-met with my pastor
-spent time with my kids
-visited my parents
-had meaningful conversation with my husband
But I still feel awful. I still feel joyless, unhappy, lethargic, exhausted, and hopeless.


That sounds like a lot of great stuff. Be gentle with yourself. :leopard::leopard::leopard:


Thank you @GrayBear. It was more than usual. I spent three days beforehand on the couch. I just tried giving it my all.

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Maybe it was just a little too much at one time. :thinking::thinking::thinking:

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Those are all great things but if you’re depressed you may need an antidepressant. Also pushing yourself too hard isn’t good either. Hang in there

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Oh that sounds like depression. I personally always am fragile in public but I do feel fulfilled when I do stuff like that. If I had gotten up and gone and played bingo I’d be talking about it for days. My point is I’m schizophrenic but I’m not depressed. You might be both? Maybe an antidepressant would help.

I can’t think of any other reason. I’m amazed you followed through with all of that, you’ve got really good initiative!

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Sounds like depression. I know you’re on lithium as a mood stabiliser. Have you spoken to your psychiatrist about this depressive mood?


@FlyingPurplePeopleMeeter. If your on lithium there’s a protocol for 20 mg Prozac. I needed to take it earlier this year and it worked. Feel better


Thank you @GrayBear @agent101g @Moonwalker @everhopeful

My psychiatrist has told me I’m depressed, but I told him I didn’t think so. Maybe I am. He said to email him on Monday how I am feeling, so I will let him know. Thank you!


It can be hard to tell if your depressed when you are. I remember my depression earlier this year, that’s how it was.

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I’m sorry you were depressed @Moonwalker. Did you body feel heavy? I feel like I can’t even move.

Yeah I was in bed all day everyday

That’s where I want to be. Some days I get up, but it’s usually to drive to appointments. Grandparents are helping with the kids. I’m so sorry you went through this, too. It’s awful.

@FlyingPurplePeopleMeeter did you do all that stuff because you also wanted to, or only because you wanted to get out of the darkness? Sometimes, especially re mental states, doing something becuase we enjoy doing it, takes us out of ourselves. If, on the other hand, we do something but focus mostly on our goal at the end, we tend not to notice the Now.

I enjoy art so I use art on the computer as a way of dealing with depression and monotony. It usually works, especially when I create something I like. Of course, some days even that doesn’t work but, hey, nothing’s perfect! :smirk:

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I’m so glad you have your art!

I did those things because I should, not because I felt like it.

Don’t push yourself too much, @FlyingPurplePeopleMeeter I guess your brain is suffering the condition of depression which is against your will of doing something. Maybe shutting yourself in a room and taking a rest by writing diary or listening to music is also a good solution. You should listen to your body and ask it whether wants a rest or a go.

I’ve noticed that on days when I feel depressed or bored, it helped when I focused on being aware of the depression or boredom and just wait for it to pass. Feels like crap first few times but with practice, you’ll be able to handle it and when it pops up again, you can be like “hey, got through this before; can get thru it again”.

In fact, I don’t think I’m wrong when I say focusing on the negative now is one of the steps toward enlightenment that is touted by Buddhist schools. By default, we are trained by family and society to avoid the negative. To distract the mind. But focusing on our inner awareness, thoughts during negative states has helped me greatly with my sz.

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Thank you @green5. I did these things at the recommendation of my treatment team.

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I need to grow in these areas to recover from my ocd. Thank you for these words!

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