Does anyone have a few

words of encouragement for me please?


What do you need encouragement with, may I ask?

Just do it …u can do it…u are strong person…u will ace it …


U r liquid. Flowing freely from one obligation to another. Let urself be free and u will find all else is chatter.


Thank you for asking. Feeling very alone and depressed.

I’m so sorry for you. I’ve been feeling a little blue these last two days too. And I don’t know why. Not lonely though. You’re lonely too? That’s too bad. Do you have any family nearby?

No, not really any family nearby. Thank you for your kindness Gina. I hope that you get a good sleep and feel better tomorrow. Are you still playing piano?

Yes, I play piano everyday.
What is making you sad?

That’s great you play every day! Being alone…not feeling well…it’s making me sad.

Are you sad because you don’t have a partner?

Yes, that is a part of it.

What is the other part? Are you mentally ill?

Yes, I have SZ since 16 yrs of age, as well as some other health conditions.

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How old are u now my friend. .

50 yrs 151515151151551515

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We are about the same age. I am 57 and sza. Are you experiencing hallucinations or delusions right now?

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And what are your other health conditions, if I am not being too nosey?

Ginalove u looks pretty young to me … u look beautiful too…

A lot of negative symptoms…

Why, thank you, @far_cry0, what a nice thing to say! And, you are the sexiest man alive!