I thought I was going to stop posting on here

Since I said some pretty self centered stuff, and since I haven’t taken anyones advice and haven’t seen the pdoc. I seriously need to do something, I keep having reality breaks and since I’m in denial both consciously and subconsciously I can fool a lot of people in my life including myself. I’m a manic/depressed/psychotic mess and I need help. I can’t live this way. I think I’m going tomorrow to ask for help, wish me luck.


I’m afraid she’s going to increase my shot to every 3 weeks. I like the month, how do I convince her to prescribe me some kind of pill?

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I would definitely get something adjusted, because you are going through a lot of stress. Be really honest with your pdoc, tell them you don’t want a shot, and let them prescribe you what they feel is good in pill form and promise to take it.

I’ve been doing that since I got the disorder and am finally now at a point where I don’t need any medicine adjustments. The delusions are gone and the hallucinations are uncommon. I really would like to see you get there too, it takes time and compliance and you have to keep your pdoc informed, very informed.


Thanks @agent101g. I will do that

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As long as you don’t have any recent compliance issues, I can’t imagine why taking pills would be a problem. That said, if your pdoc says shots every 3 weeks, do what they say. Being angry with your doctor isn’t worth your sanity.


@Sardonic Not being a smart ass, but how recent? Like down to the week I need to know…

And I’m honestly not sure if getting it 3 weeks will make me sane, it won’t be imediate, and it might put me in a suicidal funk :disappointed:

I’m sorry, but I can’t answer that because it’s different for every doctor. My doctor’s magic number seems to be two years, that is, two years without any major episodes requiring hospitalization, before he’ll consider lowering my AP. I was told that the long term plan was to attempt to wean me off at the age of 26 (once my brain is fully developed), but apparently, after realizing that my symptoms weren’t actually mild, that’s up in the air.

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You definitely need to share that with your doctor. It’s possible that you might just need a quick acting PRN. I have 5mg haldol tablets and 0.5mg ativan tablets for emergencies.

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Seeking help is definitely the way to go. Being open and honest with your pdoc, and taking the meds is the best thing you can do. Just take it one day at a time. Good luck!

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Thanks. I got some answers. One day at a time as you say. Can’t keep touching doses or meds. Gotta stay consistent. Went pretty psychotic today, and it was literally hell. I was left to my own vices, it’s a learning process

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Yeah, we’re all a work in progress. Hang in there.

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Thank you151515

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i think it is very good hat you have identified these things, its part of the first steps to recovery and i get the presumption you want to do something about these flaws,

insight is precious to the troubled mind

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Thank you, insight keeps me alive. It’s what keeps me grounded, I’m always questioning things because I have curiousity which is why my science degree worked and I was able to do it

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