It does make you feel happier and more social!!!
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You can take magnesium up to 400mg daily. Just stop if you get stomach problems like loose stools or any other suspected side effect
Other things worth trying:
Amino acids: L-serine, L-tryptophan, Glycine
Vitamins: B3, B8, B9, D
Herbs: Valerian root, chamomille, passion flower.
That’s from the top of my head. Not everything works for everyone though.
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I just had a panic attack.
My doctors appointment this Thursday cant come any sooner.
Im going to ask for Gabapentin.
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You alright? I’m sorry to hear that
Any good coping mechanisms you have that will help?
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I’m feeling better but i’m still probably going to take Ativan. Thanks man.
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Stay strong keep up your routine maybe adjustments would benefit you
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