I think they might have and I’m so panicked/upset. Currently taking high dose gabapentin. Previously klonopin.
Never tried Buspar though. But my current dr I don’t think would prescribe daily benzos, even low dose. Am I screwed?? What do you take or do for your anxiety?
I stopped with the anxiety meds as they all seemed to be addictive. I use coping techniques I learned in therapy to handle anxiety. It has worked better for me in the long run.
I tried buspar. Made me dizzy. I tried ativan but it gave me weird rebound anxiety. Propranolol helps for physical anxiety which is primarily what i get.
My pdoc upped my Luvox by 50mgs. My anxiety was through the roof. I had to stop taking the extra 50. Idk if he can prescribe me something to counter that. I just prefer to not take the extra 50mgs really.
Buspar was like candy to me, I didn’t experience anything from it. So then my psychiatrist put me on Xanax for as needed basis. I would say the ultimate solution to all anxiety is therapy, which has helped me the most. But finding a good therapist sometimes can be a tricky thing.
I take antihistamines. They make me slightly sedative and it makes it easier to relax at least I think so. Other than that I listen to classical music and try a short walk.
I took 2.5mg of diazapam for 5 consecutive days recently. My doctor wouldn’t give me a higher dose and said it’s the last time he’s doing it. They don’t like giving it to people because it’s addictive.
I’ve taken buspar and propranolol in the past. I don’t have bad anxiety but I run a little fast and tense. I’m thinking of asking my doctor to try propranolol again. Idk I’m tense a lot.