I think my Volunteering days are numbered!

So been busting my ass off preparing wickets for my cricket club even if it’s an hour away from home and the traffic is just horrible. Still. Been doing a stand up job but finding myself on the outer. Wasn’t invited to a meeting till late the other day and I was kindof gone over the top of to my old boss…

It’s shitty havning that sort of politic pulled on me and so for this week where we have a game on and a semi final at that I have called in sick due to mental health. I need a holiday anyways and just can’t be stuffed busting my ass to try and do a job for people who don’t show appreciation. End up just getting blokes whinging about their poor form and blaming the pitch or the outfield.

So. I think I’ve hit that crossroads. I refuse to stay where I’m continually feeling isolated and not part of the team. I got by for years because it’s a rewarding thing to do but even my new helper is one of these I know everything about everything as I’ve only been here five minutes…

I guess that is it. I’m going to move away from it and just go back to playing if possible. Sick of the endless politic from testosterone filled males!


That’s a crying shame, I know how much you enjoyed that. There are other things to do though


Sorry to hear. I know you like volunteering there.
Well if you can step away from the politics and keep the love of the game thats still good.


Sorry to hear about this @rogueone. They should definitely appreciate your efforts more.
Stand up for yourself. Do what’s right for you.
Best wishes.


Thats hard after giving your time.
I think yeah you should take a break, and think over it later on.
I always thought politic played by hierarchy may be, because they where in too and was done on them.
If you gonna win, some one has to lose.
But the idea of politic, I recollect why not I play it too.
Is it wise if we do it too?

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That sucks @rogueone. Hopefully you’ll find something to do that replaces it and you can put your energy somewhere else that is rewarding too. Or just take it easy and relax for awhile.


Sorry to hear this @rogueone. A big hug from a fellow Aussie.


I would say, just have an idea what your going to do with that time, because it is a support or at least something that helps your mental health.

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Sorry to hear this. I hope you can fill that time with something just as fulfilling. Don’t keep giving them your work if they are treating you poorly or ignoring you. Definitely stand up for yourself and let them figureit out when you leave.


I think I’m quitting my volunteering as well at the end of April. I just don’t feel motivated and don’t like the work.

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Make sure you bite their ankles before you leave @rogueone.


sounds like a plan!


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